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SeniorsPlus awarded grant for enhanced care coordination services

LEWISTON – SeniorsPlus, the designated Area Agency on Aging serving Androscoggin, Franklin, and Oxford counties, was awarded a $500,000 grant through the Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS), who has partnered with the National Disability Institute (NDI) for the project. The project is designed to enhance care coordination services to Section 19 waiver members with assistive technology needs. Services include a comprehensive assistive technology assessment, and—as needed—device selection, installation, training, and tech support.

The goal of the project is to improve Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) through innovation that will be scalable and lead to improved quality of life, independence, and housing stability. The program also aims to reduce hospital re-admissions and reliance on hands-on personal care services.

“The expectation is that the project will increase client independence and reduce hours of personal care, potentially reducing client and taxpayer dollars,” said Betsy Sawyer-Manter, President and CEO.

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